I write. (I also tell stories through photographs, but let me not digress.) I’m revising a recently completed manuscript for memoir and writing essays. I read. I constantly gather threads to weave into story - sifting meaning. My favorite room is my study- surrounded by books with space to write. I write with fountain pens and pencils. And the gentle squish and clack of the keyboard is my last tool for writing.
Writing group. Rigorous workshopping. Salon and peers. I enjoy discussing story and craft with others passionate about literature - and good stories. I have envied storied writers and artists for their communities, camaraderies, and braintrusts which benefited them and society at large. I treasure good conversation and laughter. I love reading Paris Review’s author interviews.
Run Swim
I run. I swim. I love water. I walk when I’m resting.I run more. I am not fast. I run alone. I run with others. Nature nurtures me with solace and wonder. Trees. Rocks, Cliffs. Oceans. Clouds.